Sunday, May 29, 2005
entry from dawn :)
hello hello!how's everyone now that poly has started.erm its been a while since i posted and someone requested for me to post to update on my life and stuff so yeah that's what i'm doing now.HAHA TEEHEE i wonder who. okay anyway i'm dead for GP midyrs which i had on friday.'FIAL' alr right phongosaurus??sigh i really had no idea what the whole compre was talking abt plus i didnt finish doing my paper so yeah i'm dead.but oh well, must seriously start studying for midyrs if not i'll get retained.HMMM what else.oh yeah huisi..i cant make it on the second week of hols!gg to myanmar for mission trip with church from the 8th to yeah pls dont organise anything then!really wanna meet you guys.can we all go collect our o'level cert together?then can go out at the same time!! :DDD see how excited i am.HAHAHA.cheapthrill.HMMM anything else to update bout me??think that's abt it mainly.everything's good so far so yeah.i wanna get updated abt the rest of you all la!!like so long never talk to you guys and stuff.HAHA think you guys got more happenning stuff gg on than i do.RIGHT PHONGUS!!! heh.sneaky.yeah and ELE i blogged specially for you okay!dawn is so nice right.HOHO.will pass you 2 letters when i see you on monday hopefully.which is like tmr!OH anybody wanna watch free movie?i got free tix and must watch by the end of the month.BUT the only prob is that the only movies that you can watch are house of wax and the amityville horror.ANYONE??i got 2 more.just watch and scream along with me cos that's what i'm gg to do.haha yup see you ppl soon.take care! :))
5:58:00 PM
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
First Day ~
Hiya! Today's first day of poly, orientation for the whole week. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, at least for the first day. Well, it was tiring indeed, had to walk around the school for the different game stations. It took like minutes to walk from one location to another, up and down slopes, perhaps it's great for some exercise. -.-" Apart from all those walking, we played some games and stuff, mainly to know each other better. We had this one called the "Good Morning" game, in which the first person just says, "Good morning everybody, I am xxx.", while the second person continues with "Good morning xxx, I am yyy." So the line just carries on, and the third person says "Good morning xxx, yyy. I am zzz." etc. *Of course you have the replace the xyz with the real names* Haha, hard to remember everyone's name due to my short term memory. And definitely, there were other games, heh, too lazy to state. By the way, the number of girls and boys in my class are almost equal, and yea, made some new friends today. =] But I'll still miss you people, haha. Not used to having only 17 people in a class, or having guys in the class neither. An unfamiliar surrounding with none of my closest friends beside me.. so many new faces and voices. But well, hope I'll settle down and get used to it soon. =)
8:27:00 PM
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
long time since i last posted here.
i will be having orientation tomorrow. how exciting. but oh well. see you all next time, when we have a chance. when everyone finally can settle down and start thinking about having some time.
hmmm. was just wondering. What if this present world aint reality, it was just made by us. The way we wanted it to be, not knowing whether its right or wrong. MAYBE reality is that we are actually thinking of our future. NOt knowing what will happen next, so we try to predict. But what if it all goes wrong. Maybe only when we are dead, and we forsee the future, then will we embark on a trip to self-discovery and self-recovery. Ok, what the hell ami talking. probably being brain-washed by "the jacket" and vanilla sky. nvm, ignore. but somehow everytime i board the bus, i look around. Passengers on the bus may just be my illusion of wanting them to be there. U guys are also part of my illusion, aint reality, wtf am i talking. haha. pardon my language. skies are blue just because it looks more plesant, clouds are white because they look fluffy and dreamy. And of course trees are green because they can prevent myopia.
8:01:00 PM
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Monday, May 09, 2005
Just another website for you to
8:45:00 AM
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"Japanese name"
My japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).
Click here -> Take your real japanese name generator today!
( this really my jap name? Lol..sounds terrible..
8:18:00 AM
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Friday, May 06, 2005
Hello!! How's everyone? The blog has been left stagnant for quite some time, mosquitoes will pop out you know? -.-" Anyway, I've got nothing to update you guys on coz I haven't been doing much, haha. Wait... *drum rollz* Ah-ha, I've changed the music again, go and listen! =) Remember to tell me your stories when we meet again!
5:20:00 PM
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Monday, May 02, 2005
hey hey.this blog seems so untouched you know.its like only a few of us are using it and the rest blog only once in a thousand light years.HAHA.anyway hol today so i bet everyone had fun?well at least i did.heh.had church in the morning till noon and then went to meet my class ppl.hmm it was quite fun i guess..considering our first outing where only 10 of us turned up?or maybe more..haha but was glad clarissa made it though.went to play pool and hell was i shocked at myself!HAHA you know i used to suck at pool but somehow today..i was able to hit balls in and i managed to win 2 games against louie. :DD gotta thank terence for helping and teaching me.HAHA :)))after pool was just walking around and shopping.had to do present shopping lah. was with phy,louie,terence,pj,kaili but shannon came along and kaili+pj left.went to pacific plaza and finally decided to buy this shirt from quiksilver.i like it though. HAHA. :)) and so louie and phy had someone to walk with leaving me and terence.ermm but eugene tan came to visit me though.HAHA and we walked around the surf shops..thinking of what to buy for qiheng.hoho phong you missed out alot man.and i wanna scold you ar!!!yes stupid phongus didnt come cos her mum didnt allow her or maybe it was just some plain excuse she gave for not wanting to come so that she can spend time with her bestie weiqin.HAHAHA i'm so mean but she pangseh us and esp ME so i have to scold her.hoho.HRMH..supposed to accompany me to buy present you toot.okay nvm you my gemini twin so i forgive you AGAIN. :))yawn..its getting late and i think i'll go slp soon.hmmm someone never msg me. so sad.HAHA nvm tmr got sch and i end at 2.YAY got msg.haha okay take care you ppl..esp huihui ar..aiyo don't moodswing so often la.seeyou tmr!!byebye :DD
11:37:00 PM
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