Saturday, April 30, 2005
tired and stressed
hi everyone! how's everybody.. i'm super duper tired slept at 3am and had to wake up at 8 for choir prac ythat ended at 4pm! haiz.. there goes miss babes again... scolding scoilding and asking us to dig deeper to bring the emotions up... but doesn't she understand i'm only 16.. i CAN birng the pain from my heart out... but it is hard VERY hard pull it back after th song.. i cant handle the big emotional change of being happy den sad den happy again! i try my best GiVE alll my painful and happy memories in the song.. but all i hget is that she is saying that it is not enuf and we have gotta DIG DEEPER! CAN"T SHE SEE THAT THE ALTOS WORK SO SO SO HARD?! for sectionals altos ALWAYS FOREVER end the last becuz we bother to go thru EVERY single detail... we even got to stay back AFTER choir practice or school to do the three songs,... until like the locking uncle chases us out! haiz... so tiring... i'm totally drained and i don't noe what i can do anyu furthur i seriously ahve given my 100% 200% 300%400% etc etc... and the altos are breaking down... becuz we cant that the pressure... that no matter how hard we practice... we are always NOT ok.. the sops has got the least time in prc but they have the least prob too.... haiz... my euyes are swelling from the tears in the afternoon... today was such a horrible day! first scolding from miss babes next all the lain se frm my sajc frens... i'm super duper tired of entertainign all of them.... they dun really seem to care anymore... everytime i go out with them they dun noe how much pressure i hav egot to take from my parents when i go home... i think i'm gonna crumble soon... and stupid nigel... just cant take a prank and just scolded a the freaaking f-word at me... arsey hole./... what ever and the rest just look at me like i'm crazy.. watever.... they have clearly soon and chosen their side.... so so long my sa frens... i think thjey are jsut some passer bys in my heart . they have disappointed me and hurt me.. i dun wanna contd with them... take care strangers u all were really once one of the no. ones in my heart....
~huihui loves
8:37:00 PM
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Friday, April 29, 2005
hello eating the new STAR WARS jedi m&m's..YUMMY! try the jedi mix. the colours all so lime green,baby blue,beidge,light brown coloured m&m' really into green nowadays. :DDDhmm today was quite fun!!haha..had prata for breakfast at thomson there cos we didnt have to go sch early today.haha was bitching bout some ppl with louie cos spastarded phong was late as usual.HAHAHA that girl.and pai kah claudio came as well cos we invited him.hmm somehow..the prata house was a meeting place for many cjcians..met eugene tan and his frens and some other cj ppl.haha suan eugene!!then went back to sch for PW..haha quite productive and i like my grp's idea. :)) hope everything works out well!!yeah..finished GPP in like 1 hr and then went to canteen to talk to ele twinnie.hmm catched up quite a bit on things.and we talked till we got moodswing on some stuff.but then we always cheer ourselves up with other more exciting stuff. TEEHEE!! HAHA you go girl!! :DDDDDDhmm what else.the rest of the day in sch was kinda 'sucks lah'.had moodswing cos of the stupid hot and and phong just wanted to sleep. but lao fu zi mr goh was so crappy..HAHA he's really amusing i tell you.ask phong man..she'll tell you.somehow i don't feel included.its just THAT.i dunno most of their conversations cos its between them only.maybe cos i dun hang out with them after sch but that's not my fault you know.i have strict parents??HOW NOW BROWN COW? anyway phong if you know what i'm talking about..pls don't go and tell them i said all this.between you and me okay.sorry lah but i really feel quite out still though we hang out in sch.and its like you're closer to them than i am and i'm starting to feel excluded in everything.and the worse thing i dicovered is that i have no one to stick to anymore.and that's SO SAD.ele i miss our good old grandstand days. i want them back. :((( shucks..all this is making me so depressed..i'm spoiling my night.and i was just about to post bout what i did after sch but now i just have no mood cos i'm troubled about this.PHONGUS pls talk to me.okay nvm i'm glad spastarded jingtat is making me laugh.HAHAHA.miss my oneteeethirtyseven class alot.esp tat they all.they never fail to make you laugh. even how lousy you'll just laugh at their lame jokes.right phongus.haha and my old class is just a great'll never ask for anything more than that. ahhhhh give me back my 1st 3 months of CJ. :((( oh shit i feel like crying. seriously if our june class chalet doesnt work out..i'm gg to bawl.HAIanyway after sch was quite good.went out to eat with nick at taka.haha ate tori Q after so long and i was really happy.and then ate gelato!!!hahah durian is nice pls go try it. :DDDD then walked around for a while..window shopping and stuff.haha then went home.okay okay..shall end la.what a long entry.havent blogged for so long.oh yeah.. i wanna meet MICH! we got alot to catch up you know girl.and thx for your msg that night yeah!!haha really sweet of you all ppl.seeya soon
8:35:00 PM
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
not fair
I'M SO JEALOUS!!!HOW COME T32 SO FUN?I ALSO WANNA BE IN THAT CLASS!okay nvm.haha.i bet if i tell this to phong she'll be equally know what? they had class gathering on fri at one of their classmate's house and then some of them stayed over la!SO FUN RIGHT.and its like they had the whole house to themselves.haha and u know they watched scary la.but i'm sure phongie would love it.HAHAA you morbid girl.nvm.. dont care.t37 also must have fun.phyllis you better hurry think of something!!!HAHAHA.i cannot get jealous..cannot cannot cannot.but its like i know quite alot of ppl in that class..heh. oh yeah stop calling me doctor tan la.haha damn lame la.stupid michael.okay okay i shall go 3 tests coming up next week.BOO.and i dunno anything. plus there's stupid PW which i have zero ideas on.arhhhhhhh.when can we have another MTV gathering?haha wanna see huisi and mich leh.
10:46:00 AM
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
crashing like a tidal wave
anyway sch was kinda tiring today.ended at 4.30pm with a stupid chem didn't seem as bad as i thought it would be though.and we officially formed the SPASTARD CLAN.haha consisting of me phong louie and phyllis.and yes we have weird names for ourselves---- dawnieboo louieboo phyllieboo PHONGIEBOO.
HAHAHAAHH soundss spastarded enough right.we have a dictionary of our spastarded lingo too.
5:51:00 PM
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
haha. quite funny
8:54:00 AM
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
try it out dude
Your Power Color Is OrangeYou live in the fast lane. You love action, risk, and competition.You're spontaneous, enthusiastic, and persuasive.But you're also easily bored - and love to rebel against structures.You resent rules ... as well as people's attempts to control you!
What's Your Power Color? Take This Quiz :-)
Find'>">Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |  |
10:10:00 AM
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Monday, April 11, 2005
MTV...i like
haven't blogged for a while and i'm quite free now so i shall blog.hmm..the weekends was like a roller-coaster ride for me.UPs and DOWNS.lets talk bout the downs first..friday was BAD. ): phong should know mood to talk bout what happened that day la.hmm..saturday was GOOD!!! :DDD i'm so glad we MTV ppl finally met up!like after so long! just that mich wasn't there with us.really made me very happy to see all of you again.miss you guys so much!!and esp shoulian and huisi!haha..anyways..those gg to poly(shou,jada,madeline)..hope you all have fun and rmb to study hard after slacking off for so long.haha..and those of you in JC..hope you all are having fun in your JCs with your new friends and all.huisi dearest!!haha you shd be having a good time in JJC right?esp when you have corlissa..haha.and whatever mich is doing now..wish you all the best mich dear!! we have to meet up, mich!yes we must okay..and yea after meeting up with mtv,i met him ad jonas.oh yes and did i mention that my cousin gave me a pair of levi jeans when i was at my grandma's house?!cool right.haha now i have to go belt-shopping cos the jeans are like super super low cut.if don't wear belt it'll just drop la.hmm sunday was ok just that i woke up with stupid rashes, which made me itch the whole gross k..i looked as if i got some sort of disease like that.haha and i was so itchy.luckily it went off after a night's sleep..if not i won't be in sch today alr.haha okay so today was quite okay.i'm hungry..shall go eat dinner alr..bye ppl!take care and will be missing you guys!
7:02:00 PM
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Thursday, April 07, 2005
A Please Read Important Letter
Wah lau.. took 5 mins to load this stupid page for me to type and post.... stupid internet... never mind... back to proper thing for me say... eh hmm..
Feeling much better these 2 days.. the conditions seemed to be improving... but... dunno whether the frenships are real?... watever it is... it really consoles me to have dawn weiqin and the super distracted and insensitive phoong... beside me... and thank you alot JADA for making it a point to call me to talk to me.. i felt better after talking to u... i got a pleasant surprise for u... you are such a worthy... eee ahh... huihui is being mushy here... sho disgusting.. puke puke... but wait wait... watever i said i mean it...a person doesn't need to show his or her feelings out... no need to be a diadvantagous open book... a smiling face it might be... hiding tears... anger ... tiredness....insecurity,...uncertainty... sadness... hurt... fustrated... EVERYTHING that will never bring a smile... my moods are extremes... so my dear frens... i really hope all of u can tolerate me... when it is overboard... i;ll make sure that i'll leave all of first before exploding... so if... u see me walk away silently... donot run after me... BUT donot ignore me too.. at least... at least... please call out my name.. to let me know that you care... i'll greatly appreciate's huihui.. being depressed... improving conditon hopes it doesn't go back to square one tommorrow mornign... it is such a disappointment everyday when i have to end the school day walking out worried and distressed that my name, my reputation is tarnished.Dawn pamela huisi jada shoulian madeline... i know all of u are very super duper happy now... i only can say lucky you... i am jealous of ur feelings... how i wish i had them... whoever who comes to our blog to tag... thank you so much... i;m reeal ssorry if my multiple tags always push other down... here i apologise to ALL. to my frens frm sajc who comes here to read ( actaully i think only got jonas but please help me pass the message to the others ok?) thanks for ur encourageemnt.. haiz i helped u but i dun seem to be able to help myself.. so idoitic... anyways.. whatever it is.. enjoy ur lucky butt life in SAJC ... treasure wat u have now... Byes byes... really hope to see all of u soon... the innocent old days... in SC... the Ok innocent days in SA... so glad that i had these memories... but with these memories i compare now... i am in deep suffering depths... thanks for whoseever hads that had reached down to help me... but got burnt... i really appreciate all of ur help... but i know clearly that i can only depend on myself to stand up and pull myself to together to make my world round again... so thanks... please patiently believe in me and wait for me to return to me... i really hope i would not take too long....TO those who are hurting me or are thinking of hurting me.....please stop. i'm not pleading with you. just a form of courtesy, a form of refined culture, that you defintely do not possess as you see a joy in hurting's a waste of ur energy. yes i may be out and down now... but as in sad itt's not forever... don't make me hate you so much that i vow for revenge... i onli have extreme feelings. i am not kidding so don't laugh it off. there are plenty of reasons that u will defintely nto succeed in destroying me... or my social life... because unlike you ... i got so many true and wonderful frens surrounding me and giving me the priceless support to work against your worthless attempts. so. please. return to your hermit shell.Love,Hui Hui
~huihui loves
11:18:00 PM
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Sunday, April 03, 2005
Bo Liao ~

1:29:00 AM
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Saturday, April 02, 2005
miss oneteethirtyseven alot.
had such a great time with osme of my class ppl last night.thanks to ele hweemin alv jingtat eugene nick brandon!! miss you guys so much! sigh everyday in sch so sian..cos there's nobody in class that tells lame jokes.HAHA really had a good laugh with you guys.miss all those lameness... ): pls meet up again soon cos i can't stop missing t37.and the best thing was we took neos that were ultra funky :D HAHA ele,love you like a fat kid loves cake!our neos are so pretty!haha althought the second one was like kinda wasted cos the stupid pen couldn't work. don't be sad over your class thing kay.anyway...huihui!! don't be sad kay.can come find me to talk about your problems. (: i'm not invisible.haha.and phongsai left your file under your table and you didn't go back to take my stuff in your file los.oh yea and rmb to write me letter.(: okay hope to meet you ppl soon.where's huisi and mich?haven't talked to them for a super long time.lets meet up in town someday!like go somewhere to sit and talk.haha that would be fun cos i bet all of us have lots to talk class and everything.YAY.. seeya guys!! :DDDDD
12:09:00 PM
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i feeling like a loser i'm feeling like a loser i AM a loser
hi everyone... hope all of u are having fun at wherever u are... i am like hopeless la... dunno wat to say... super miserable.. i feel like i'm losing the whole world... i feel like dunno wat la... i dunno like swearing and cursing but i have swearing and cursing since 23rd of march.. haiz... PHONGSIE dun worry nothing will affect ur frenship... moodswing onli la... just all of a sudden i dun feel like talking becuz like i felt like i have changed to have become a VERY self centred and materialistic girl,... and i am rather disgusted by myself so i needed time off to do reflections... ahah... not often at i do that ok... so,.... haiz... anywyas.. dawn hope that everything will sail smoothly for u... and eh madeline where are u now ah?.. SHOULIAN!!!!!!!!!! hahahs.... love u... hope u willd o well in watever u do... jada?... which course u posted to ah?... weiling.. cheeky cheeky... how are things between u and eric?... married or not?.. HHAHAHHAA joking la....
~huihui loves
12:37:00 AM
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